Hog Roast Newport – Lunchtime Office Deliveries

With the mix of at home work and in-office days that many of us oscillate between for work now those days at the office can suddenly seem far more gruelling. No more rolling into your own kitchen for a proper lunchtime treat and instead back to the packed lunches or supermarket meal deals.

Hog Roast  NewportBut with the corporate catering offered to businesses by the team here at Hog Roast Newport your team days at the office can be much more pleasant, if not better than your at home shifts. Our catering options deliver a delicious, stylish, and unique lunch experience to your office, giving your office team a well-deserved treat and helping to boost overall morale for the week.

We have found that since the more prominent shift to blended working the Hog Roast Newport corporate lunch service has been taken up far more than before by our business partners and new customers. It seems that we all need a little delicious pick me up for those office days now! Not to worry though, with a fleet of catering franchises, specialist teams and state-of-the-art equipment the increase in corporate catering has been more than easy to handle for Hog Roast Newport!

Hog Roast  NewportFor example, a recent addition to the Hog Roast Newport corporate partner scheme called on our services just 2 weeks ago for catering to be fulfilled the following week. Having worked with them before the finer details that can sometimes prolong the process that little bit longer were not needed, and instead the Hog Roast Newport were able turnaround their booking quickly. This is just one of the benefits of repeat catering with corporate clients – quicker lead times and priority service.

What could be better for lunch than a delicious barbecue served right to your desk. The Hog Roast Newport team arrived in the morning of the booking and got straight to cooking so that our dishes were hot and fresh for lunchtime. The team of 33 in the office that day enjoyed gourmet sausages and handmade burgers grilled to perfection along with accompaniments of seasoned fries, coleslaw, seasonal mixed leaves and veg. A perfect pick me up that far outdoes any meal deal lunch!

There’s plenty more where that came from if you yourself are a business in need of catering. Just call the Hog Roast Newport team today!