Hog Roast Wall Bank caters for a delightful duo

Hog Roast Wall BankDespite the sun disappearing, Fred and George decided to host a BBQ. They had debated Hog Roast Wall Bank’s seriously tempting Hog Roast but liked the idea of a less formal more chilled-out BBQ atmosphere with a fabulous selection of different food for their guests. 

Fred and George did not have a reason to throw a party but felt like they needed some family and friends time so decided to host a ‘larger than normal’ gathering of their favourite people. To make the most of seeing and catching up with everyone, they happily gave the food and drink responsibility to Hog Roast Wall Bank. 

The charming couple certainly had the garden to host an event, completed with a Christmas tree in the middle and what a spectacular-dressed Christmas tree it was! Hog Roast Wall Bank took a photo for inspiration. 

Hog Roast Wall BankHog Roast Wall Bank’s BBQ menu is certainly a tasty feast, Fred and George’s guests could enjoy a 6oz British Beef Burger, butcher-made herbed sausages, succulent zesty chicken kebabs and sticky BBQ spareribs. Hog Roast Wall Bank always ensures that they bring onions for the burgers and sausages as well as cheese slices so people can enjoy a cheeseburger. The meats are grilled to perfection and served in a selection of soft rolls and wraps. The chicken kebabs go particularly well in the wraps, especially topped with Hog Roast Wall Bank’s delicious Greek salad. The combination of the zesty flavour of the chicken with the creamy feta cheese, olives, juicy plum tomatoes and cucumber is heavenly. 

The vegetarians and vegans had flavourful BBQ pulled Jackfruit which was recommend being eaten with the crunchy homemade ‘slaw. 

Hog Roast Wall Bank’s BBQ menu also includes chips, a mixture of normal and sweet potato chips or one or the other, whatever the hosts fancy. 

Fred and George’s family and friends will thrilled with the food, giving many compliments to the chef and his team.

Hog Roast Wall Bank was also responsible for the bar and everyone having drinks. Fred and George had made up some festive cocktails with mince pie gin as welcome drinks which looked fantastic.