Understated Wedding Dining at Hog Roast Baschurch

When it comes to our wedding dining services we so often are at lavish occasions that are going all out, and our dining will always reflect that too, on the right occasions. But at Hog Roast Baschurch we are always one to listen to the customer, and when it comes to wedding dining we will do all we can to provide the exact dining service and style that you want.

So when we are contacted, as we were last month, by a wedding customer looking for something a little more understated, well we are more than happy to acquiesce to that too. We fully understand that not everyone is looking for the massive luxury wedding; sometimes just a small thing between friends and family is all that is needed to affirm a loving matrimony.

hog roast BaschurchThis week we had the wonderful marriage service of Irene and Thomas Alvin to attend. When the loving couple called us up they informed us that they had actually been together for 21 years already. Marriage was something the pair had never really been all too interested in; they didn’t feel the need for a service or document to affirm their relationship for them. But due to a couple of recent life circumstances, the pair now felt the time was right to go all the way and get wedded. Wanting to still keep it understated however, the couple set up just a small legal service in the city chambers so it could be officially affirmed with just a small group of friends and family without having to be large and expensive.

As part of keeping it understated, the couple then moved from the city chambers to celebrate at the home of Irene’s sister. This is where Hog Roast Baschurch comes in as we then provided a lunch service for all that attended the service – a total of 12 guests. The couple are massive fan of our hog roast rolls, so we cooked these up along with, burgers, sausages, and our BBQ pulled jackfruit – comforting, understated, but still plenty delicious for a lovely wedding service! We added a selection of salads, veg, and our medley of sweet and regular fries, and that was us off and done after only an hour! A quick-fire, understated Hog Roast Baschurch wedding service, just as ordered!