Celebrating Chinese New Year In Style With A Hog Roast Newport Spread!

Hog Roast NewportEarlier this month, the catering managers at Hog Roast Newport, Dave and Joe, had the honour of contributing to a special celebration at a primary school. The occasion was none other than Chinese New Year, marking the beginning of the Year of the Dragon in the lunar calendar – a symbol associated with greatness and good fortune in Chinese astrology.

This lively event was organised by a dedicated team of school staff, aiming to help primary school children not only celebrate but also learn about different cultures in a fun and engaging manner. Operating under a limited budget, the organisers sought an affordable catering solution that would meet their needs, and that’s where Dave and Joe stepped in.

Understanding the budget constraints, Dave and Joe worked closely with the clients to discuss pricing options in detail. To the pleasant surprise of the organisers, Hog Roast Newport offered exceptional value for money, and a custom menu was tailored to fit the needs of the celebration perfectly.

On the day of the event, Dave and Joe arrived bright and early at the school grounds, ready to prepare a feast that would be remembered. The results exceeded expectations, and the presentation of the food left both children and teachers in awe.

Hog Roast NewportThe banquet commenced with oriental-inspired appetisers, including roasted duck prepared with beansprouts, ginger wraps, and crispy spring rolls served with hoisin sauce. Chicken satay skewers added a delightful touch to the array of flavours.

For the main course, hearty hog roast rolls topped with sage and onion stuffing, crackling, and applesauce became an instant hit with the guests. To cater to all dietary preferences, grilled vegetable kebabs with tzatziki dip, sweet chilli sauce, and flatbreads were provided as a delicious meat-free alternative.

Hog Roast Newport’s delicious menu became a highlight of the celebrations, bringing everyone together in the spirit of the Lunar New Year. As the aroma of the hog roast filled the air, some of the older pupils delighted their fellow students with a traditional dragon dance, adding a vibrant touch to the festivities. The exchange of lucky red envelopes added even more fun to the occasion.